Saturday, January 29, 2011

A Letter To Myself and The Education World!

Only you can make something out of yourself.
 My name is Chris Gray. I'm from Tuscaloosa Alabama. I just moved to Huntsville recently for more opportunities and a chance to make a realistic change in a positive manner for myself.
 I have seen and done it all in life; but the only thing I have not done is complete my education. Its one thing that I wish I would have done at a younger age. I took to the workforce and put school on the back burner for what I thought was the better way of getting to my goal. Little did I know that jobs will come and go and a person with a degree is considered to be a little more important to a company that a worker with just a high school diploma. Life teaches us lessons that we hold onto til the end of of our days. The lesson I hold onto now is get a degree. It does something for a person when they walk across that stage shake hands with the dean and feel that satisfaction of knowing they completed something from beginning to end with no help, no parents  nor teacher hoovering over their shoulder or any outside force pushing you to complete this task except yourself. I want that feeling. I see the pride friends of mine have when when asked what have they accomplished and they reply with "I have a degree in this..." I look at my accomplishments and they dont compare to that one sentence. Even though I have saved 2 lives, did community service with the boy's and girl's club(100hrs) and have been awarded outstanding salesman 2 years straight at both my jobs. It still has no comparison to me. Added that I still have young teens who call me to this day and ask for my opinion on in certain situations and ex managers asking if I want to come back and re-join their teams. I still want something that takes more mental and inner strength to complete under my belt. We are our own worst critics I know, but that's something I feel I will not be happy if I didn't obtain. I want to accomplish some goals.A degree and getting my invention patented are two things I feel that If I didn't do I could not have a happy life, no matter how big my account grew or how may cars I have parked outside. I want to be challenged mentally and grow on a more soulful level. I don't think material goods or worldly possesions can give you happiness. I think it is up to a person to make themselves happy. No matter who you are or what you have; a person need goals, struggle and let down in order to become a stronger and self aware individual. Things are not always black and white nor  handed to us. The things we want out of life must be obtained by yourself. No one should give, hand or set-up our lives. In order for a person to be a functioning member of society in a positive manner he/she must make themselves into the person they want to be. Dream big, aim high, play to win, and except reality for what it is. Take chances but think first. Love life and love yourself. This is my outlook and life and the things i want to do. I just wanna be happy with the reflection in the mirror.

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